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Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: The IETF Trustees invite your comments on ...

2009-01-26 13:11:45
"Ken" == Ken Raeburn <raeburn(_at_)MIT(_dot_)EDU> writes:

    Ken> That might be an argument for restricting posting to
    Ken> subscribers only.  At least some mailing list management
    Ken> software will let you put yourself on a list but flagged as
    Ken> not to receive mail, if you already read it through some
    Ken> other means (local bulletin board, web archives, etc).
    Ken> Getting onto the list could be the way one indicates that one
    Ken> has read the Note Well text, which was sent along with the
    Ken> link to click to confirm blah blah blah.

I think having an opt-in list of people who have agreed to IETF IPR
policy would be better.  As a document reviewer or anyone doing
cross-area work, having to subscribe to a WG list to send mail there
is quite unacceptable.  Something like contribution policy
stuff would be far more acceptable.

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