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Re: Registration of media type application/calendar+xml

2010-09-10 12:44:57

On Sep 10, 2010, at 12:39 PM, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 10:48 AM, 
<ned+ietf(_at_)mauve(_dot_)mrochek(_dot_)com> wrote:

Even if XML-specific tools like stylesheets prove less than useful in
performing manipulations of calendar data, there's still significant benefit
associated with being able to use built in parsing capbilities, espcially when
those capabilites are nicely tied to automatic creation of complex data
stuctures in various languages.

What many XML-haters do not understand is that the syntax is designed to 
completely automate the process of writing the parser and the backing data 

I, at least, understand that.  But in my experience the backing data classes 
generally end up being ridiculously baroque.

Starting with an XML Schema definition I can generate the corresponding data 
structures automatically with one mouse click together with the corresponding 
parser/serializer calls.

Starting from an EBNF description, I have to first read the description. This 
has already taken more time than working with the XML version would.

Really you should be able to generate the parser from the *BNF.   But you're of 
course correct that it won't generate the data structures for you.   All you 
get is a state machine that recognizes the language.

I then have to work out if the grammar is an FSM or LR(1) or something else. 
When I was a grad student I used to write yacc parsers but these days I have 
written enough parser generators that I can actually hand code quicker than 
it takes me working round the peculiarities of yacc.

Biggest problem I had with using yacc based parsers was doing good error 
recovery, because people would inevitably generate data representations that 
didn't quite fit the grammar.  But XML parsers tend to not be much better at 
that than yacc is.   With both XML and yacc, either the entire message is 
recognized or it isn't, unless you do a fair bit of work (often redefining the 
language in the process).

So what takes me no time at all with XML is likely to take a couple of days 
and considerably more skill with EBNF.

Granted.  But surprisingly, this actually comes at a cost.  When every protocol 
had its own syntax for representing data, there was pressure to keep the data 
models from getting too complex.  With XML, people are free to make the data 
models as complex as they want - and often, this means that the data models are 
not well thought out.   That's not to say that having a standard, uniform 
presentation syntax which translates readily to and from an internal data 
structure is a bad thing.   (Even if I don't like XML specifically, I think the 
underlying goal is sound.)  What it means is that protocol designers and data 
model designers still need to exercise discipline to keep their data models 

(not that any of the above has much to do with iCalendar, since the data model 
there is already largely determined.)


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