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Re: Questionnaire to survey opinion concerning a possible redefinition of UTC

2011-08-25 13:06:23
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Frank Ellermann <
hmdmhdfmhdjmzdtjmzdtzktdkztdjz(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:

On 25 August 2011 12:24, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

Since several RFCs rely on UTC and leap seconds (3339, 4765, 5905,
etc), this questionnaire may be of interest for some persons

So UTC would become a YATSCOT (Yet another time scale with a constant
offset to TAI.)

By my count, that would make 4 (not counting time zone offsets).

I would contend that RFCs relying on UTC would be unaffected and SHOULD NOT
change :

- the leap seconds will just stop. Since they are unpredictable, that is
really no change.  (I.e., the Earth already could chose to rotate in such a
fashion as no new leap seconds were ever needed.) That just means little
bits of code that won't be executed any more. Not changing the RFCs will
future proof you from # 2.

- If it is decided in 1000 years to put in a leap hour, that is just so many
leap seconds.

- UTC would remain civil time (the time computers and networks will mostly
be set to, modulo time zone offsets).

- I am not aware of any RFCs for sextant based celestial navigation (which
WILL have to change).


Thanks for info.

MJD 55798.740729 <URL:>

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