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Re: LISP is not a Loc-ID Separation protocol

2011-10-29 05:07:16
Hi Masataka,

I mean no offence.  I try to keep my messages brief, and it would be
tortuous to write "the LISP protocol" at every point in this discussion.

In the context of the IETF, I think "LISP" means the protocol.  I was
not discussing the LISP programming language at all.

  - Robin

On 29/10/2011 7:52 PM, Masataka Ohta wrote:
Robin Whittle wrote:

Hi Luigi (and other LISP people),

As a member of the LISP people (I wrote an interpreter and
a compiler for 8080), your statement above is irritating.

                                              Masataka Ohta
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