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Re: TSVDIR review of draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv4-bulk-leasequery

2012-02-18 06:40:06
Joe, Kim...

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:47 PM 2/17/12, Joe Touch wrote:

Hi, Kim,

First, thank you for your detailed response to my quite lengthy review.

Some further clarifications and confirmations appear below.


On 2/17/2012 12:09 PM, Kim Kinnear wrote:


Thank you for your review.

My responses are indented, below...

On Feb 13, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Joe Touch wrote:

Hi, all,

I've reviewed this document as part of the transport area
directorate's ongoing effort to review key IETF documents. These
comments were written primarily for the transport area directors,
but are copied to the document's authors for their information and
to allow them to address any issues raised. The authors should
consider this review together with any other last-call comments
they receive. Please always CC tsv-dir(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org if you reply to 
forward this review.

This request was received Feb. 2, 2012.

This document describes an extension to DHCPv4 for the bulk query
andtransfer of current lease status over TCP.

The following transport issues were noted, and are significant:

UPDATES- The document updates DHCP with support for TCP, and as
suchthis document seems like it should UPDATE RFC2131

     While this document clearly builds on RFC 2131, it
     doesn't actually change anything that anyone is doing
     that is currently based on RFC 2131.  My understanding of
     "updates" is that, in order to understand the first RFC
     (in this case, RFC 2131), you need to read all of the
     RFC's that "update" it.  That isn't the case here -- you
     can be very happy reading and implementing DHCPv4 by
     reading RFC 2131 and never have to know that DHCPv4 Bulk
     Leasequery exists.  In general, in the DHC WG, we seem to
     set a pretty high bar for what "udpates" another RFC.  I
     don't see that this document has met those requirements.
     But this isn't really my call.  I'll let Ralph Droms and
     the DHC WG chairs decide on this one, and I'll do
     whatever they tell me to do.

Agreed. FWIW, my "bar" for that is whether implementing DHCPv4 as per RFC 
2131 is changed by this doc. If DHCP fundamentally starts requiring TCP port 
support, then this doc then changes the spec as described in 2131 IMO.

Joe - I don't see that this document fundamentally requires TCP port support 
for DHCP operation as described in RFC 2131.  This document describes a 
protocol that is closely related to but independent of RFC 2131, and a server 
based on RFC 2131 can perform all the DHCP functions in RFC 2131 without 
considering this document.  So, I can see your point but I disagree that this 
document updates RFC 2131.

Here are the reasons I think it DOES modify DHCP:

      - Sec 10 requests option codes that extend the tables defined
      in the original RFC

I couldn't locate a recommendation on whether DHCP servers MAY implement this 
extension, SHOULD, or MUST (did I miss it? if not, it should be added). 
Regardless, that too would be a reason for this as an update to 2131. It's 
only NOT an update if this service is independent, IMO, and it doesn't read 
that way to me.

There are other RFCs that add new, independent functions to DHCP without making 
changes to RFC 2131 (e.g., RFC 4388), which are not listed as updating RFC 2131.

- Ralph

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