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Re: New Non-WG Mailing List: IETF-822

2012-06-15 11:27:18

--On Friday, June 15, 2012 11:13 -0400 Steven Bellovin
<smb(_at_)cs(_dot_)columbia(_dot_)edu> wrote:

Well, I've started working on
draft-nir-ipv6-were-finally-deploying-it but I'm not sure
what format would be an appropriate submission format in the
23rd century.
ASCII, of course. But the boilerplate will have changed.

Yes, but upgraded from US-ASCII to Federation of Planets-ASCII.

Can't be anything-ASCII unless there is an ANSI on Mars or
further out.


Maybe, in the interest of interplanetaryization (i19n ?) and
multigalacticism (m13m ?) we should start using FoPSCII and
Galicode references in our documents and noting that ASCII and
Unicode are temporary substitutes.

