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Re: Martians

2013-03-12 23:10:09
On 3/12/2013 1:45 PM, John C Klensin wrote:

In any event, I've gotten some feedback that some people thought
I was identifying them as Martians and were offended.  No
offense was intended and I used the "Martian" terminology
precisely to avoid that possibility.   I obviously failed and
apologize to anyone who didn't hear or understand what I was
trying to say in the way I intended to say it.  I'll try to
watch my choice of vocabulary even more in the future.

At least some of the nerdier nerds were probably thinking "how could *I* become a Martian? because that would be so cool!" ...

But just to your point that this wasn't about native English speakers ... Doesn't Alfred HÎnes still have the indoor record for accepted RFC editorial(*) errata in the history of, like, ever? :)


(*) and non-editorial errata, too, but that's a different story ...

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