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Re: PS Characterization Clarified

2013-09-17 05:33:14
On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Olaf Kolkman <olaf(_at_)nlnetlabs(_dot_)nl> 

Based on the conversation below I converged to:

      While less mature specifications will usually be published as
      Informational or Experimental RFCs, the IETF may, in exceptional
      cases, publish a specification that still contains areas for
      improvement or certain uncertainties about whether the best
      engineering choices are made.  In those cases that fact will be
      clearly and prominently communicated in the document e.g. in the
      abstract, the introduction, or a separate section or statement.

I read John's message as being against the use of the phrase "in
exceptional cases". I would also like to avoid that; it suggests that some
exceptional argument may have to be made, and has the implication that it
essentially operates outside the process.

I would prefer the less formidable-sounding "on occasion", which still
implies relative rarity.
