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Re: [IAB] Mandatory encryption as part of HTTP2

2013-11-15 19:42:20

On 11/16/2013 01:32 AM, Theodore Ts'o wrote:
On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 11:56:14AM -0300, Steve Crocker wrote:
I've been watching this thread for a while.  The idea of making it
harder without actually expecting the encryption to work seems like
an implicit admission of failure.

There's a question which is being begged here when using the
terminology "to work".  What's your definition of success?

For example, using D-H with no attempt to authenticate the endpoints
means does not protect you against an active attacker who is carrying
out a MITM attack.  However, it does protect you against a passive
attacker which is vaccuuming up all networking packets and either
looking for keywords or storing it all in some big data warehouse in
Utah.  It forces said attacker to play MITM games, with all of the
attendant costs of decrypting and re-encrypting all of the data
streams, such that the attacker would consume a lot more power, and
make it much harder for pervasive surveillance to be hidden in some
tiny phone closet in some telecom's fiber room.

The old world-view was if you couldn't protect against an active
attacker, you might as well not do anything at all.  So admitting
failure with the old world view, which required us to "go big or go
home" (with the result that in many cases vendors just went home, and
left huge portions of internet traffic completely unencrypted) might
be first step to wisdom.  We've tried things the old way, with the
result that IPSEC is so painful that it only gets used in a very
restricted problem domain such as VPN's.  Maybe it's time to try
something new, that indeed only makes things harder for pervasive
surveillance, without necessarily making it impossible against a
directed attack.

As far as I'm concerned, making things harder, even if it is not
guaranteed to protect against all attack scenarios, is an example of
something which works --- it works to protect against a specific
threat model that appears to be a real one that we need to be worried

Very well put.

For this community, this is *the* most important lesson to
learn from snowdonia.

 I think the right posture is to
make privacy via encryption the default at every level, or perhaps
even mandatory, and to expect it to work.  Key management has to be
seamless and automatic, and the software and hardware have to be

I agree that we will probably need encryption at multiple levels; but
I also think we can't assume that software and hardware "have" to be
trusted.  The design must be robust, and not fragile, which is one of
ther reasons to have encryption at multiple layers.  It also means
that we should have at least one layer which doesn't assume (for
example) that we can trust that all 600+ CA's which are authorized to
certify all web sites in the world are trustworthy.  That's not an
admission of failure; that's an engineering design which is designed
to robust, in the face of failures, which *WILL* happen.

Other than maybe s/600+ CAs/~100 organisations/ also true.

I hope a lot of people read the top half of this at least.


                                              - Ted

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