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Re: Ad hominems (was: Policy of WG chairs in organising time for presentations and face2face discussions)

2014-02-24 15:30:49
    > From: Andrew Sullivan <ajs(_at_)anvilwalrusden(_dot_)com>

    > On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 02:37:13PM -0500, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:

    >> Could we have an RFC to explain what is and what is not a valid
    >> ad-hominem argument?

    > There are no valid _ad hominem_ arguments. 

I suspect that he meant was 'can we have a method for properly classifying
things into "ad hominem attacks" and "not ad hominem attacks"'.

    > From: Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>

    > It is of course perfectly valid from a logical point of view to ask
    > what the experience of someone is before they make organizational
    > proposals but it is still bloody rude.

You mean, it's rude to ask what someone's experience is?

If so, that's odd: I myself found it 'bloody rude' (well, actually, I'd use a
slightly different term, but hey...) for someone to make suggestions on how
to improve our meeting process when they have really no experience of it.
