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Re: RFC 20 status change last call: References to appendices

2015-01-03 13:27:18
In article <20150103180808(_dot_)19797(_dot_)qmail(_at_)ary(_dot_)lan> you 
An erratum saying "the text points to appendixes that are actually in
the ANSI standard it talks about" should be sufficient.

By the way, I don't have a copy of X3.4-1968, but I do have a copy of
X3.4-1977, which says in the back that it's a minor revision of the
1968 edition.  The two footnotes on page 5 appear unchanged in the
1977 edition, other than that appendix B4 is now B5, and I can assure
you that you haven't missed anything you didn't already know.
