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Re: proposed surprise hack, was IESG Statement on surprised authors

2015-06-03 12:58:19
Yup. This seems like a really nice compromise -- folk who want to can opt
in to this system, and those who don't, well, don't.

<Warren tips hat to John>

I do not participate in the code sprint (busy NOCing at that time), but
otherwise I'd be willing to try add this... although you probably don't
want me anywhere near the codebase :-P


On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 12:26 PM Ted Lemon 
<Ted(_dot_)Lemon(_at_)nominum(_dot_)com> wrote:

On Jun 3, 2015, at 11:21 AM, John Levine <johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com> wrote:
Add a new database table of surprise-averse authors.  Allow people to
register their addresses, with the usual confirmation click through
mail.  Now when an I-D is posted, if it has a surprise-averse author
listed and that author isn't on an earlier version of the same I-D,
that author has to confirm the draft before it's posted.  (If there
are also non-averse authors, they can confirm it too but there's no
point since it doesn't move forward until the averse authors do.)