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Re: Questions about the new IETF mail archive

2015-06-18 14:37:10
On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 07:14:03PM -0000, John Levine wrote:

There's an export to mbox/maildir option!  Yes!  (I used to keep a
script to stream-edit the almost-mbox mailman archives into mbox
format.  It seems I've lost it.)

When reading through messages in a thread, there's no easy way I can
see to go to the previous or next message other than to click up and
down on the list of messages.  That's OK but you can't tell what
you've already read (the old version provided this sort of by accident
in browsers that change the color on links you've visited), [...]

The old-style mailman archive, the one with a link for each month (or
quarter), with by-thread and by-date views, is hard to beat.  Granted,
having a different archive by month (or quarter) was a bit of a PITA,
but not too bad.  Still, an mbox/maildir export feature... that makes up
for the UI faults (which hopefully will get fixed in due time).

Hmm, [spam] HTML e-mail gets rendered...  Is that a problem?  Probably.

But the most concerning is indexing, or lack thereof.  [...]
