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Re: 'retired' in Organization in xml for Internet Draft?

2015-10-20 21:55:52

Agree with Randy. I've seen "Unaffiliated" on some drafts, has not
caused any problems. But for the case where "retired" is true, that is
my preference.


On 2015-10-21 03:53, Randy Presuhn wrote:
Hi -

From: Carsten Bormann <cabo(_at_)tzi(_dot_)org>
Sent: Oct 20, 2015 12:35 PM
To: Bob Hinden <bob(_dot_)hinden(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>
Cc: IETF <ietf(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>
Subject: Re: 'retired' in Organization in xml for Internet Draft?

Unless I missed a rather major political event, "retired" is not an
organization you can be affiliated with.  Maybe I should put in
"married" there next time?  (Can't put in "protestant", unfortunately.)

Seems like another way of saying that participation by us older
folks is unwelcome, as well as a way of discouraging participation
by independent contributors.  I prefer "retired" to "none" because
the former is more effective at keeping the headhunters at bay.

[I remember vividly when someone who was between jobs created almost an
international incident at a DIN meeting -- she made a little joke and
filled in the organization field in the meeting roster with "housewife".

That's a perfectly legitimate occupation, and treating it as
a joke seems rather disrespectful of the people who find that
as their calling.
