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Re: Argentina reciprocity fee

2015-12-16 22:14:07
On 12/16/2015 05:31 PM, John Levine wrote:
There is the issue of the Argentina “fee” which is like a visa, but
mostly just a tax.  This is common in various countries in the americas,
and is sometimes a nominal amount to be paid in only $cash USD.

My understanding is if you’ve got a passport (Eg: USA) that requires 
it, you pay your money and print the page to show the customs agent 
and you’re set.

If you are traveling on a passport from the United States, Canada, or
Australia you MUST pay the fee and get a receipt before you leave.
You cannot pay it when you arrive in Argentina.  Unless your airline
is unusually inept, they will not let you on the plane without it.

You register and pay the fee with a credit card on their web site.
Click the "SIGN UP" link under the login box here:

Once you get the receipt, print it out and put it in your passport.
For Americans and Canadians, it's good for a decade so hold on to it
in case you go back to Argentina.


PS: Brazil also charges a similar fee, Chile used to but doesn't any

IIRC, brazil requires actual visas at least for US citizens.

Fernando Gont
e-mail: fernando(_at_)gont(_dot_)com(_dot_)ar || 
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