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Re: IETF mail server and SSLv3

2016-01-26 16:49:41
On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 4:16 PM, Jari Arkko 
<jari(_dot_)arkko(_at_)piuha(_dot_)net> wrote:
Tom, Phillip,

Impressive? Not much. If anything, I feel a bit
embarrassed that we are updating our servers
only now :-)

This really was just an IETF service announcement.
The tools team felt that if we are making changes
we should announce them rather than surprise
anybody. We plan to announce similar other things
as well, when there are changes. And I certainly
believe this particular change was a technically
reasonable thing to do.

We do of course have other things to discuss —
how much the IETF is doing for improving email
security in the Internet, and what can be done to
it to begin with. But that is a broader topic that
IMO, doesn’t have much to do with what specific
arrangements we have for our own e-mail
server (and at a particular layer of that server,
even).  Phillip’s questions are very rasonable
in that broader topic, however.


I was taking the object of the exercise being of the dog food eating variety.

In the past, I have noticed that people seem to miss the fact that the
point of eating the dog food is to encourage people to make it better,
not to get used to the taste.

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