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Re: Adding IPv10 to the IETF 98 Agenda.

2017-03-07 10:10:37
​I have given lightning talks in several W3C plenaries. They are a very
good format for getting many ideas across.

It would be a much better use of plenary time than a lot of things we do.

The ideas do not need to be as wild as 'lets re-engineer protocols in the
narrow waist'. Or they could be the opposite. We might have someone suggest
IPv6 should go on a diet as its waist is not thin enough.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Andrew Sullivan 

On Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 03:42:57PM +0000, Stewart Bryant wrote:
It might be interesting to have a wild ideas slot in the form of a
series of
10 mins

That sounds like a lightning-talks session.  I wonder whether the
plenary would be a good venue for that, or whether that would be too
large an audience?  We might not have to do it every time, but perhaps
this is a suggestion for the IAB technical plenary program to
consider.  What do people think?


Andrew Sullivan