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Re: draft-dolson-plus-middlebox-benefits (was RE: Review of draft-mm-wg-effect-encrypt-09)

2017-04-12 08:29:45

On 12 Apr 2017, at 12:52, Mirja Kühlewind 
<mirja(_dot_)kuehlewind(_at_)tik(_dot_)ee(_dot_)ethz(_dot_)ch> wrote:

describe the benefits in the sense of why do operator deploy those 

Then don’t call them ‘benefits’ - they aren’t universally of benefit. Call them 
‘motivations’ or something, but I think a lot of people are reacting to the use 
of the word ‘benefit’ as that tends to imply something that is necessarily 
good. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


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