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Re: I-D Action: draft-thomson-postel-was-wrong-01.txt

2017-06-15 13:37:06

On 6/15/2017 11:28 AM, Bob Hinden wrote:
p.s. The file name chosen for this draft appears to be a good example of 
stepping on the toes of those who came before, instead of standing on their 
shoulders.  See:

On the other hand, there is something to be said for "being nice
considered harmful".

Martin describes a very real failure mode. Implementations deviate from
the standard, gain market share as the deviations are happily tolerated,
and then prevent standard evolution that would contradict their own
"extensions". Martin gives examples of that happening with JSON.

Or, implementations fail to properly implement the extension mechanism
specified in the standard, and then prevent deployments of perfectly
good options. The slow deployment of early congestion notification comes
to mind.

Christian Huitema

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