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Re: Writing it down

2004-02-23 00:49:32

I just done some revamp of the Wiki

and putting various requirements/goals into different category (High-Level Goals, General Goals, Design Requirements, User Requirements, Mail Operators Requirements).

There is also a short summary for each.

ps: If you don't like what you see there, feel free to wiki and change it yourself. Just click on the "Edit Text" at the bottom.

-James Seng

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

OK, so it's been a week, and about 400 messages. Lots of good requirements have been suggested (and, unfortunately, lots of protocol designs have already been floated...). This list is clearly useful for generating ideas. However, the volume has proven too high for some people who have let me know they are unsubscribing.

To help facilitate forward motion on requirements writing, it would be great if multiple people would start collecting ideas for requirements into lists and posting those lists on web sites. If you are doing that, please let me know the URL that folks can use to see what you are doing. I'll post the URLs on the main web page for this list (which is <>, in case you have forgotten it...). Your list doesn't have to be inclusive; it can focus on just one part of the next-generation problem.

So far, I have two listed:

<> from James Seng

<> from Keith Moore

I think having another handful that grow in different ways and with different focuses would be good so that folks on this list can see where different people go when they think of "requirements".

In specific, I would love to see the lists broken down into mostly-separable parts of the next-generation protocol (such as "message transport", "message format", "message display", and so on). Doing so will help those who are new to designing systems from scratch to see that it isn't all one hunk, even though it may appear to be.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

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