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Re: Email or Something Else

2004-02-21 18:04:08

Sorry, but I seem to have missed the start of the discussion. It appears to be along the lines of setting design goals with the subject line indicating an effort to decide on define a new e-mail or something else altogether. Earlier I had proposed beginning by defining a basic service. Going back to that it was a very generic transport type service. It specified guaranteed delivery (non-delivery report if it fails) from an originating entity to one or more recipient entities in non-real-time. This is a very open statement in that an entity could be anything. If the entities are people, it is e-mail. If the entities are applications it could be a web service. Assuming I am not missing the mark here I would like to tie in three more services. Again, trying to be very generic and open ended and not e-mail specific. Security services during transport to include identification and authentication of the agents engaged in the actual transport. (An entity is considered an agent)

End to end security services to include identification and authentication of entities, confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation. The selections are optional at the discretion of the entities.

Management service to ascertain what happened during transport at some later time (tracing).

If I am way off base, please let me know.


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