
Re: Porting existing archives into Mharc...

2002-07-08 14:11:04
Ok, so to sum up my configuration versus your explanation of

The current setup uses /etc/mail/aliases to pipe mail to various archive
specific mhonarc command lines.  This means that I don't have the raw
mail files you mentioned.  I don't want it to be this way in the future,
I would prefer to let mharc(_at_)myserver handle all of my archives as mharc
is supposed to do out of the box.

As far as importing the existing archives in, since I don't have the raw
mail, I should start a fresh archive and link the old ones in as old
archives, I suppose that's fine, although I may have to do a dual setup
until a convenient date, no biggie.  As far as doing a make rebuild
goes, can you give an example of why one would need to do this?  For
instance (purely hypothetical), if I make a change to lib/
and run make configure, do I also need to run make rebuild to make the
configuration change apply to an existing archive?

Thanks for your patience.

On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 15:44, Earl Hood wrote:
On July 8, 2002 at 11:02, Sean M Alderman wrote:

  Did you by chance get an undeliverable for me when you sent your
response to this?  Could you repost it please (or sent it to me
directly)?  I did not receive it and may have had my sendmail server
down at the time of posting (due to a system upgrade).

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Sean M. Alderman
ITRACK Systems Analyst
PACE/NCI - NASA Glenn Research Center
(216) 433-2795

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