
Buging Tag with Resource file... caused out of memory

1997-09-18 15:27:11

I am using MHonArc with a resource file and everything was fine...  :)

But... I added this tag for defining the buttons in French and 
my server went "out of memory" when trying to write mal files... :o
There is a big loop !

<PrevButton chop>
[<A HREF="$PREVMSG$">Message precedent</A>]

<PrevButtonIA chop>
[Message precedent]

What is wrong in this code ?? :(

In the doc, I read two tags (error ?) : 
<PrevButton chop> </PrevButton>
<PrevButton> </PrevButton>
I tried with and without "chop" but it is not working...

Help needed !! ;)


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