
Re: ProcMail and MHonArc interaction

2001-06-01 16:47:46
   >Suggestion: Create a verbose procmail log file and see what the error is.

  |  From dba-request(_at_)peg(_dot_)com Fri Jun  1 15:40:57 2001
  |   Subject: Re: Just a test 
  |    Folder: archive/latest/136                                  1272
  |  procmail: [6112] Fri Jun  1 15:48:37 2001
  |  procmail: Assigning "ME=dba"
  |  procmail: Executing "date,+%Y%m"
  |  procmail: Assigning "FLD=200106"
  |  procmail: Assigning "UMASK=002"
  |  procmail: Assigning "MAILDIR=/usr/home/pegmgr/www/lists/dba"
  |  procmail: Assigning "LIBDIR=/usr/local/lib/mhonarc"
  |  procmail: Executing "test -d archive/$FLD || mkdir archive/$FLD"
  |  procmail: Assigning "DUMMY="
  |  procmail: Locking "archive/200106/..lock"
  |  procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=archive/200106/42"
  |  procmail: Opening "archive/200106/42"
  |  procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
  |  procmail: Unlocking "archive/200106/..lock"
  |  procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/usr/local/bin/mhonarc -add -outdir 
  |     /usr/home/pegmgr/www/lists/dba/web -definevar MyListName=DBA 
  |     -rcfile /usr/local/lib/mhonarc/main.rc -quiet -- -"
  |  procmail: Locking "archive/latest/..lock"
  |  procmail: Executing "/usr/local/bin/mhonarc,-add,-outdir,
  |     /usr/home/pegmgr/www/lists/dba/web,-definevar,MyListName=DBA,
  |     -rcfile,/usr/local/lib/mhonarc/main.rc,-quiet,--,-"
  |  procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=archive/latest/137"
  |  procmail: Opening "archive/latest/137"
  |  procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
  |  procmail: Unlocking "archive/latest/..lock"
  |  From dba-request(_at_)peg(_dot_)com Fri Jun  1 15:48:24 2001
  |   Subject: Re: Doubts on ver. 8.2B Binary dump / load 
  |    Folder: archive/latest/137                                  1293
  |  Insecure dependency in mkdir while running setgid at 
  |     /usr/local/lib/mhonarc/ line 98.

I reformatted the above to remove all the line wrapping, but otherwise,
it's intact.  I also remove the ':' on the second recipe since I'm
sur eit didn't belong.

The above is the log message from after the ':' on the second recipe 
was remove. Anyone know what an "Insecure dependency in mkdir" is?

PEG Manager

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