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Re: Searching not working

2002-07-26 12:26:04
On July 26, 2002 at 12:11, George Crum wrote:

I am having a problem getting namazu to work with Mailman using the mharc
package.  When I try to do a search in IE, the browser asks if I want to
download a file called "namazu.txt".  When I use Mozilla, a page with mostly
unreadable text appears.  I've made sure the directory that namazu.cgi is in
is executable and the binary it self is executable.

drwxrwxr-x    3 mharc    mharc        4096 Jul 26 11:05 cgi-bin
If suEXEC is enabled for your Apache server, you may need to remove
the group write bit to avoid "Premature end of script" error messages.
I'm not sure if the suEXEC checks look for this, but it may.

-rwxr-xr-x    1 mharc    mharc      142592 Jul 19 14:16 namazu.cgi
Can someone help me here?

Check your Apache configuration.  You may need to enable CGI execution
for the <mharc-root>/cgi-bin.  You may be able to just add a .htaccess
file in <mharc-root>/cgi-bin with the following directive:

  Options +ExecCGI

mharc also comes with sample Apache configuration settings in the
etc/ directory.

Note, you may need to enable .cgi files to be treated as CGI programs
with the following directive:

  AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

See the Apache docs for more information.


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