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Repost: .namazurc

2002-08-28 02:24:24
I didnt get a response to this issue, is this a bug, feature of the
software? Am  I asking it to do something it was not designed to do ?


Mark Hatton said:
Makoto Fujiwara

Thank you for your help.
It almost works.

2 issues:-

1/  I am still getting %20's in the path and filenames, and instead of
getting the windows directory sepearator \ I am now getting %5C.

2/ For some reason namazu.cgi seems to be prefixing its http cgi path to
the search results ie:-



Makoto Fujiwara said:

Mark> need something to allow the the unix directory seperator / to be
Mark> translated into a windows seperator \ and %20 replaced to a
single space, Mark> for an undefined path size and any number of

How about
 | |g;'; ?
(Some shell escape issue may still be there, sorry)

I will attach my practice to get above line:

my $in = '/export/samba_docs/general/august%20accounts.xls';
                 ##  \\sserver\general\august accounts.xls

$in =~ s|/export/samba_docs|//server|;
print $in,"\n";
$in =~ s|/|\\|g;
print $in,"\n";
$in =~ s|%(\d{2})|pack("H2",$1)|ge;
print $in,"\n";
$in =~ s|  | |g;


 | |g;';

Makoto Fujiwara,

Mark Hatton
Systems Administrator
Community Online

Mark Hatton
Systems Administrator
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