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Too many hits Ignored !

2003-02-08 09:43:51
Hi all,

I have generated a pretty big index of my mail files. This index
contains 299,996 documents and 6,743,531 keywords. 

I am getting problems searching this index as very often I get error
that too many documents are being hit and neither nothing is display as
result of the query or the ignored query elements are not consider for
query logical AND.

Please give me some clue what is wrong ... 

tatry{robert}13: namazu "bgp path selection" .

References:  [ bgp (Too many documents hit. Ignored)  ]  [ path (Too
many documents hit. Ignored)  ]  [ selection: 5210 ] 

I did try to search via cgi or cli .. same result.


PS. While generating this large index I noticed core files generated by
namazu few times :(.

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