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Re: Too many hits Ignored !

2003-02-12 06:36:10
R> References:  [ bgp (Too many documents hit. Ignored)  ]  [ path (Too
R> many documents hit. Ignored)  ]  [ selection: 5210 ] 

R> I did try to search via cgi or cli .. same result.
In sample namazurc file, the file at /usr/pkg/etc/namazu/namazurc-sample,
I found the line:

## MaxHit: Set the maximum number of documents which can be
#MaxHit 10000
## MaxMatch: Set the maximum number of words which can be
#MaxMatch       1000

And I have set this value as
MaxHit 100000
in my ~/.namazurc

If you need the effect to your cgi-bin/namazu.cgi,
you may set that line in cgi-bin/.namazurc file

The above setting may not resolve the problem if you have
R> PS. While generating this large index I noticed core files generated by
R> namazu few times :(.

is the really problem.

Makoto Fujiwara, 
Chiba, Japan, Narita Airport and Disneyland prefecture.

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