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Re: transfer encodings

1998-02-16 11:22:56
Richard Coleman <coleman(_at_)math(_dot_)gatech(_dot_)edu> writes:
But the real question is what flexibility do people really need?
Just the abilities to say "always use 8bit"?  Or the ability to
give a default encoding for every content type?  Or both (which
is complicated).

  I think the answer is both, but the current code is pretty much set
  up to do that already, or so it seems from a user's perspective.

  The MH philosophy is to put stuff in your .mh_profile that you
  usually want to do, but be able to override it through command-line
  arguments.  Embedded arguments to mhn should be similar.  And, since
  you have mhn-store-content-type in the .mh_profile, one should also
  be able to do the same in mhn input files.

  Indeed, the European user may have the hypothetical entry in his

    mhn-read-text/plain: charset=iso-8859-1 {8bit}

  so that normally he can simply his mhn input files with:

    #text/plain file

  since he knows that his colleagues can handle the 8bit characters
  and the character set.  But if he sends me a message, he may assume
  (incorrectly) that I have an old 7-bit MTA and override that entry

    #text/plain file {qp}

  So my vote would be to able to set the encoding in .mh_profile, on
  the command line, and in the mhn command.

Bill Wohler <wohler(_at_)newt(_dot_)com>
Say it with MIME.  Maintainer of comp.mail.mh and news.software.nn FAQs.
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

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