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Re: mhstore ignores umask ?

2002-10-20 08:03:20
    Date:        Sun, 20 Oct 2002 08:28:51 -0600
    From:        Herb Peyerl <hpeyerl(_at_)beer(_dot_)org>

  |  > I am finding that "mhstore" gives 664 permissions.  This is
  |  > presumably related to
  |  > Msg-Protect: 664

  | I'm not finding that to be the case:

I suspect that you don't want to know.   It can be either.   The default
permissions for files stored by mhstore depend on more things than make
sense - including whether the thing being stored comes from a message
(in which case Msg-Protect is the more likely source, regardless of the
permissions of the message) or from a file, in which case 0600 is close
to hard coded (but it is nothing like that clear cut).


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