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Re: [Nmh-workers] Conflict between "mime" command and attach

2013-12-12 19:35:23
ralph wrote:
Hi Jon,

The attach thing is interesting to me socially because even you
mhbuild-lovers are using attach

Minor point:  I don't use attach, never have, as I can't see the MIME
that will be sent.  :-)

i've never used it either.  partly it's because i didn't know readline
was available at whatnow, but mainly it's because attach removes
attachment from the flow of composition -- i have to remember to
attach _after_ i've written out my draft, which to me is the "ready to
send" point.  i forget to include the attachment often enough as it
is -- i much prefer adding an attachment while still editing, which i
can do with directives.  oh, and the previously mentioned issue with
bad mime types when attaching mail messages.

i do understand the attraction of the symplicity of attach, though.


Cheers, Ralph.

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 paul fox, pgf(_at_)foxharp(_dot_)boston(_dot_)ma(_dot_)us (arlington, ma, 
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