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Re: [Nmh-workers] tmp file cleanup

2014-01-19 20:24:28
I expect that there are:  anything that's relative to the MH Path
is susceptible.  But again, there may be users out there who depend
on it, and moreso than $TMP.

I'm all for backwards compatibility, but in this case I'm with Lyndon:
I wouldn't even hesitate chucking this over the side.

I hate it when upgrades break my configuration.  And I know
I'm not the only one :-)

I'll look into deprecating it (".." in a folder name).  I don't
see a big rush to yank it, given the personal extent of nmh.

And the nmh(7) man page supports it:

    If it is ü.ý or ü..ý, or starts with ü./ý or
   ü../ý, then it's relative to the current working directory.

and has an example:

    refile @../done refiles  to $HOME/Mail/work/done, if the current
                    folder is +work/todo


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