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Re: [Nmh-workers] About mhshow tuning and replies to MIME messages with a attachments

2014-02-10 14:42:09
Ken Hornstein writes:
So it seems consistent to me that at least the default mode with
mhshow should not show items with a disposition of "attachment".  If
people want to add an option to mhshow to make it shows those things,
then that's fine with me.  I'm just talking about defaults.

Great analysis, and I tend to agree with all your points which I
snipped: yes, if you receive a letter with an attachment you most likely
will want to mhlist/mhstore and then manually open stuff with openoffice
or whatever. It looks like very sane flow from user (my) perspective.

Does the last one implies, that some kind of meta-message will be
constructed, and if someone send email with few text/x-diff's, for
example, user will see the message and the diff's with one shot of

Well, first off ... text/x-diff?  Who produces that Content-Type?  Fine,
there's not really a standard for that.  RFC 2046 suggests it's safe to
show unknown text subtypes directly to a user directly.  The real question
is: what's the disposition of those MIME parts?  RFC 2183 is silent on
what you're supposed to do if there is no disposition header, but I
would argue you should default to "inline".

... if I receive "disposition: attachment" which can be safely viewed in
my terminal (like in the above example, text/x-diff, btw, Mutt produce
such content-type) wouldn't it be nice to save me mhlist/mhstore steps
and just display it inline (by default)?

Also thinking about it I just caught myself: now nmh allow you specify a
program for mhshow to call, to "show" you attachments, if my
understanding is correct, and nmh is moving towards mhlist/mhshow
approach this feature will be removed?

Or there is intention to save this feature and just add a switch
"display this type of attachment or hide them" to msshow-show-* profile
entries? And therefor task from above paragraph can be achieved with
just specifying 'cat' as a program to mhshow-show-text?

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