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Re: [Nmh-workers] new marker format broke test suite

2014-05-11 05:34:25
Hi Paul and Ken,

Paul wrote:
but if we don't, should the conversion use 1024 ("2.4M") or 1000
("2.6M") as the divisor?  and of course that leads to MB vs.  MiB.
and how many digits should there be after the decimal?  sigh.

If it's base 2 then it must be Ki rather than K, etc.  I don't think the
B is needed and can be assumed?  The user can always add it as plain

Ken wrote:
I'm fine with 1000 as the divisor (that's what is done now, right?
No, actually, I'm wrong; the divisor is >> 10).  So I guess 1024 is
fine as a divisor, actually ... I don't have strong feelings about
that.  A single letter indicating the metric prefix is fine to me.

Metric implies base 10.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix has
lots of detail.

Paul wrote:
as for the name:  i'm not sold on "metric" either.  something like
"numabbrev", "numunits", or maybe "si_units"?

`si_units' have to be base 10.  `units' suggests the function gives just
an appropriate unit for a size and not the size itself.  How about
`kilo' and `kibi' functions, allowing the user to choose their base.
They obviously cope with more than K/Ki, and would be documented so, but
to me the names are immediately indicative of what they're doing and the
base used.  The shipped files would continue to be base 2 by using kibi.

Cheers, Ralph.

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