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Re: [Nmh-workers] What are and what should be the qualifications for a current nmh user

2014-05-12 10:03:39
Original versions of MH were used, after just a few weeks of training, by
secretaries who had never seen a computer terminal. The training also included
use of an Ambassador terminal, the Rand editor, and maybe a dozen UNIX
commands. Email has grown much, much more complex since then, so it would be
unreasonable to hold nmh 1.6 to that high standard But maybe some thought
should be given to what the standard should be?

My goal, at least for 1.6, was to have the out-of-the-box behavior for
mhshow to be useful.  That it, it should display text parts (at least
plain and hopefully HTML, if you have the right helper programs installed).

In general, I'd like the out of the box behavior of nmh to work reasonably
well.  Configuration of how you get mail, yes, that will require some
changes.  But other stuff shouldn't hopefully be necessary.

In particular, trying to get mhshow to work, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm
qualified to use nmh 1.6.

Hey, if it's THAT hard, clearly I didn't meet my goal.  So ... what's wrong?


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