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Re: [Nmh-workers] macos x 11 :-P

2016-02-24 08:11:04
Apple stopped shipping the openssl headers a year or two back.  (The
copies you see must be from back-rev SDKs; there are none on my laptop.)
It looks like they still provide the shared library, but it's pretty
useless if you can't compile new source against it, and it also looks

Dare I ask how anyone compiles TLS-enabled code on a Mac these days?!?

I (and I assume everyone else) install OpenSSL via MacPorts (or fink, if
you prefer) and use that.  I can say that on my end there is ZERO interest
in porting nmh to use the native TLS library.

(My understanding of the core issue is basically that the OpenSSL people
refused to commit to a stable ABI and that's really important to Apple).


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