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Re: [Nmh-workers] When a message goes only to me, as a cc

2016-10-11 09:25:50
Hi Norm,

I usually have a line, 'norm(_at_)dad(_dot_)org', in my drafts. I do that 
of something like 'fcc: inbox', because I want to see what my Email
looks like after it has gone through the net.

Me too.  I use `dcc: ralph'.

But sometimes I forget to otherwise address the message.

I forget to write a subject.

But then send will just go ahead and send the message, instead of
balking, as it would if I used fcc instead of cc.

Is there a workaround that problem?

Not that I know of.  post(8) could grow an option to check the stated
headers have a value.  Either just `{,Resent-}To' has to have an
address, or something that can catch an empty subject too.  That would
stop CC-only emails being sent, and those without non-whitespace
subjects, but a -no... option to send(1) at the whatnow prompt could
override on those odd occasions?

Cheers, Ralph.

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