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Re: [Nmh-workers] Starting the final call for features for 1.7

2016-10-11 09:39:42
Oliver wrote:

For the autoconf/automake stuff to replace getline, the following
patch seems to work. Should AC_REPLACE_FUNCS perhaps be earlier or
later in configure.ac?

The final change on configure.ac is to cope with cc -V output having
slightly changed in the most recent version of the compiler.

A number of tests are failing on Solaris. This seems to mostly consist
  id: illegal option -- u
  Usage: id [-ap] [user]
  FAIL: test/mhmail/test-mhmail

/usr/xpg4/bin/id -u would work but I'm not sure how to select that.
I thought command -p might help but not with /bin/sh. Would comparing
$LOGNAME to root do the job? Any other ideas?

Another issue is that tests using require_locale look for locales
in lowercase, e.g. en_US.utf8. On Solaris plus various *BSD systems,
these are output in uppercase form, e.g. en_US.UTF-8.

I just committed configure.ac and Makefile.am that should pick up
Ralph's getline(3) replacement if needed.  So we should be ready for
another try on Solaris.


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