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Re: [Nmh-workers] What OS/Architecture Do You Run nmh On?

2018-02-13 15:40:34

Michael Richardson wrote:
... I tried to build the other one (uw-imap?) that had MH support, but
it was too much effort because the "libmh" library was pretty much impossible
to build/configure.

sorry about that. (i was the maintainer in the years up until mark's death.) the ruinously bad property of uw-imap's MH implementation, which i could not fix due to an impedance mismatch between the protocol and the MH message number definition, is that whenever you refile a message, both folders have to be fully rescanned.

For my archives I'm now thinking that maybe I should just convert it all to
Maildir.  Hmm.

that's what i did. but now i have no shell tools that do what "pick" does. ouch.

P Vixie


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