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Re: [nmh-workers] persistent nmh welcome

2018-08-30 18:04:14
Hello Kevin,

Kevin Cosgrove writes:
The following persists in presenting itself with each new login the
first time I run an nmh command, e.g. 'scan' is the one that generated
what's below. One symptomatic machine runs Fedora 26, and the other
symptomatic machine runs Fedora 27. I'm guessing that there's a
file that gets written or touched that stops this from happening on
subsequent nmh commands. Further, that file might be prevented somehow
 from being written, or it might be getting erased somehow.

Any ideas where to look?

There should be a `Version:' string in `mhpath +`/`mhparam context`.

This can be disabled by adding a `Welcome: disable' entry in the
nmh profile.

(But, unfortunately no idea why that happens every time... Maybe
some program/script removes the `Version:' line in the context
every login?)


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