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Re: check if message is in a particular sequence?

2021-05-02 13:26:48
Hi Ken,

Oh, no, the CONCEPT is fine, I just didn't love the name.  I like
-range/-norange slightly better, but I still don't find it great.
Something like -compress/-nocompress MIGHT be better, but again, I'm
not loving it.

I am only offering feedback on this because you asked for it.  Really,
I think the important thing is to get the feature in there.  Any of
the suggested names I could live with; just pick whatever you think is

Once it escapes into a release, it's hard to cull or replace.  :-)

I went for -range because it's controlling the printing as ‘lo-hi’ and
mh-sequence(5) already says things like

    A message range is specified as “name1-name2” or “name:n”, where
    `name', `name1' and `name2' are message names, and `n' is an

    The “reserved” message name “all” is a shorthand for the message
    range “first-last”.

    Sequence File Format
        A contiguous range of messages can be represented as

It's nice to keep to as small a range of specialist vocabularly as
possible.  Some of the more confusing aspects of understanding something
new is when multiple terms refer to the same or overlapping thing.

Cheers, Ralph.

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