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Re: crufty mhn.default.sh stuff

2021-12-18 16:23:27
I think xv may be falling off the maintenance list. I struggle to compile
it on OSX but that may just be that better native (nonX) tools exist.

Mplayer forked. Many people use MPV now.

On Sun, 19 Dec 2021, 8:18 am David Levine, <levinedl@acm.org> wrote:

Paul wrote:

"mpeg_play" isn't even available on a current Ubuntu (so also not
Debian, right?) release.

Also not readily available for Fedora.

Seems like the right swiss army knife to be using these days would
be mplayer, which appears to be available in most places, and which
has never failed to play any type of video I've given it.

I like it.  How about ffplay as a fallback?

I got curious, and found that the mpeg_play support was in the
initial Doug Morris version, dated April '99.  There are other
suspicious program recommendations from the same commit:

    ivs_replay (for mhshow-show-application/x-ivs)
    richtext   (for text/richtext)
    rt2raw     (for text/richtext)

None of those are readily available for Fedora.

plus probably half a dozen someone archaic looking programs for audio

I don't use any of them.

And others that Doug didn't introduce, but which are somewhat long in
the tooth:

Both are readily available and work on Fedora.  It can create /bin/soffice
as a symlink to libreoffice.

Seems like some of this could be cleaned up, but some degree of
backward compatibility (for folks that actually have mpeg_play
installed, or for those that actually have all of the patches and
libraries needed for xv these days) would probably be good.

The current choices could be left as the initial choices in
mhn.defaults.sh.  Though I wouldn't mind if the obvious obsolete ones
were ripped out.


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