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Re: automatic decode mime in repl

2022-02-09 10:36:26
[2022-02-08 18:51] David Levine <levinedl@acm.org>
Philipp wrote:

Thanks for all the discoussion. I have an updated version of this patch.

I tried the patch.  It works, but it produces text content of fixed
line lengths.  So it can break URLs and other text that shouldn't be
arbitrarily modified.

This is true, but not introduced by my patch. The mail is still piped
through mhl which creates the fixed line length. As far as I see to
change this there are some smaller changes in mhl necesary.

I haven't deciphered how it works, but I would think the same result
could be obtained using repl's -convertargs.  That relies on the
mhbuild(1) Convert Interface.  That was intended to be flexible, at
the expense of simplicity.  Could it be used instead of adding new

Till your mail I didn't know convertargs, so I can't say if its possible.

The problem I see is that convertargs looks complex. The goal of my
patch is to have an easy to use solution which is enabled by default.
The patch automaticly decodes the configured mime types. For common
mime types the defaults work. To add extra mime types the already known
config for mhshow is used, so there is no new interface to learn.


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