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Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion

2022-02-09 07:59:06
Ralph wrote:

Hi David,

I think Steven says he's running Manjaro which is an Arch Linux spin off, and
Archers prefer to pass on upstream code unaltered where possible.

Except that par has been altered?  I use this version, unaltered:
$ par version
par 1.53.0

Do you have any idea where the following warning comes from?

My money's on par(1) given


That sure looks like it.  Unfortunate that the printout in the patch
doesn't start with the program name.

Steven, to confirm, try

    egrep -l 'seems not configured' /usr/bin/par

Steven, I would try removing par from the end of your mhbuild-convert-text/html
entry.  In the past, I've run into trouble with patches.


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