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Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion

2022-02-09 19:11:24
What platform are you on (uname -a and relevant excerpt from /etc/*-release)?

   $ uname -a
   Linux mort 5.15.6-2-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Dec 4 11:11:58 UTC 2021 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

   $ ls -l /etc/*-release
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  15 Dec 18 10:21 /etc/arch-release -> manjaro-release
   -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 106 Feb  5 02:23 /etc/lsb-release
   -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  14 Dec 18 10:21 /etc/manjaro-release
   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  21 Sep 13  2019 /etc/os-release -> 

   $ cat /etc/lsb-release

   $ cat /etc/manjaro-release
   Manjaro Linux

The last one isn't very interesting :-/, but I hope that's enough to give
you the idea. :-)

What output do you see from these two mhparam commands?

   $ mhparam mimetypeproc
   file --brief --dereference --mime-type
   $ mhparam mimeencodingproc
   file --brief --dereference --mime-encoding

Exactly the same thing that you do.

What are the jpg entries in your profile and mhn.defaults

None; I see no output from

   $ grep -i jpg ~/.mh_profile ~/Mail/mhn.defaults 

However, I do have this entry in .mh_profile:

   mhshow-show-image:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"

That's the only entry which has anything to do with any type of image

The same thing is repeated, apparently redundantly, in ~/Mail/mhn.defaults:

   $ cat ~/Mail/mhn.defaults
   mhshow-show-application/pdf: %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-application:     %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-audio:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-video:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-image:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-text/richtext:   %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"

Do you have any idea where the following warning comes from?  I don't
find it using:
find /bin/ /usr/ /etc/ $HOME -type f -print0 | xargs=0  egrep -l
'seems not configured'

The same command also returns for me without finding anything.

I've read Ralph's followup suggesting it might be /usr/bin/par, but
apparently that's not the case.

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff      |
Montreal, QC, Canada |  "Yoda was wrong when it comes to
smw@smwonline.ca     |   programming.  Do or undo.  There
http://smwonline.ca  |   is always try."
                     |                      - Ron Jeffries

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