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Moving the multipart stuff forward

1995-01-04 16:35:00
Might I suggest that we move the Security Multiparts document onto the
standards track now, and then focus on the PEM and MIME document?  I feel
that most people's objection to MIME-PEM seem to be the PEM and MIME
stuff, and not the multipart stuff. 

Even if we do as Bob suggests and rewind the clock to some MIME-ized
version of 1421's mechanisms, we will still need to use the multipart
mechanisms to acheive it.  They are the best part of this whole proposal
and I have not seen any substantial objections to them in recent weeks. 

The only suggestion that I have for the multipart stuff is that of
distributing key data.  i.e. putting the key data in as an optional third
body part.  I don't think this will cause too much grief with some text 
along the following lines:

        Multipart/signed consists of two or more body parts.  The
        first is the body part being signed.  The second and following
        parts contain either signature information for the first body
        part or contain key identification information.  These two kinds
        of body parts are distinguished by the "protocol" parameter:
        if a Content-Type appears in that parameter then the body part
        contains signature information; otherwise key information.
        It is recommended that signature parts come before key parts.

        Multipart/encrypted consists of two or more body parts.
        The first contains information on the encryption algorithms
        and keys used to encrypt the second body part which must
        be application/octet-stream.  The third and following
        body parts contain key identification information as for

However, I won't kick up a stink if this isn't included.  Push them through
as is and I'll still be happy.


Rhys Weatherley, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
E-mail: rhys(_at_)fit(_dot_)qut(_dot_)edu(_dot_)au  "net.maturity is knowing 
when NOT to followup"

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