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Re: Moving the multipart stuff forward

1995-01-05 13:44:00
        >The only suggestion that I have for the multipart stuff is that
        >of distributing key data.  i.e. putting the key data in as an
        >optional third body part.

        What's your feeling about using the MIME multipart mechanism to
        transmit both a MIEM-PEM message and key data instead of
        extending the security multipart?  In symbolic terms, taking a
        bit of license with terminology, the comparison between what
        exists and what you're proposing is something like:

        mp_mix(mp_sec(app_enc(M),app_keys(K)),app_keydata(KK)) vs


Or, how about:


Hey?!  But wait.

Doesn't that mean the proposal already on the table is the simplest case
and it provides an excellent building block for getting implementation
experience with all these options?

I vote we go forward with the security multiparts document as proposed
and explore these other, interesting possibilities, separately and later
(as in after publication).


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