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Re: Horse trading, anyone?

1995-01-06 22:49:00

How does this square with the notion of the CRITICAL flag?  
I'd think it depends on the Defect/extension handling process.   

One reading is that assuming the same OID is used for the attributes as the
X.509(93) userCertificate and caCertificate, then if there was certificate
with a critical extension of a type which was to be 'unknown', an X.509(88) 
system conformance-tested before 1993 would reject the certificate (though
because it has invalid syntax), but both an X.509(88) system conformance-
tested after 1993 and an X.509(93) system conformance-tested to current 
standards would 'incorrectly' accept the certificate, as it is ignoring the 
extension element as required by X.519(93). 

This is a non-issue because of the version field in the certificate.  An 
implementation (of any vintage) recognizing only version i should not accept a 
certificate with a version greater than i.  This permits us to store all 
versions in the one attribute-type without change os OID.  (Of course, having 
now introduced the certificate extensibility mechanism with the 
criticality/non-criticality feature, there should be no need for any more 
versions after v3.)


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