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Re: Horse trading, anyone?

1995-01-09 12:23:00

The v3 certificate is on track for formal adoption by both ISO/IEC/ITU and
in July 1995 and the standard extensions for 1Q96 (with any substantial 
technical comments targeted for resolution in the ballot ending June 1995).  
Critical comments are most welcome today, but this is no long-term endeavor. 


Warwick, I understand. I was just saying that ADOPTING some or all of the
standard extensions might require some discussion, as we try to figure out how
best to use them. In all likelyhood this will end up going over ground that has
already been plowed by ISO and ANSI through your efforts and others, but
concensus does not always (ever?) come quickly or easily.

I was just saying that from the standpoint of the existing PEM/MIME spec, I
thought we could probably adopt the bare bones V3 spec, in particular the
support for critical extensions, effectively immediately, and then launch a
more extended discussion of the particular extensions to be supported later on
during the year, preferably concluding before July 95.

I'd like to make progress on this, but at the same time don't think it
appropriate to hold up the PEM/MIME spec for a full resolution of all these

Robert R. Jueneman
Staff Scientist
Wireless and Secure Systems Laboratory
GTE Laboratories
40 Sylvan Road
Waltham, MA 02254
Internet: Jueneman(_at_)gte(_dot_)com
FAX: 1-617-466-2603 
Voice: 1-617-466-2820

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