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Re: Are we a standards committee?

1995-01-13 07:55:00
        I would like to make the following observations and proposals.

        Old business:
            Agreeing to pass the most recent edit of the MIME Security
                Multiparts document along to Proposed Standard.

Here, here!

            Agreeing to pass the most recent edit of the MIME/PEM
                document along to Proposed Standard.  The WG is divided
                on particular points of this document, namely key
                selectors and non-certificate- based operation.

Here, here!

                PROPOSAL: Remove descriptions of certification policies
                        and key selectors from the draft, stating
                        explicitly that policy is defined by RFC 1422 or
                        its successors, not the MIME/PEM definition (In
                        other words, reduce the scope of the document to
                        just representational issues, not policy or
                        operational issues).  Unless we discover
                        objections at this scope (none of which I am
                        currently aware), pass the resulting document
                        along with all possible speed.

The MIME/PEM document does not have anything to say about certification
policies.  Please point me at text you believe does say something about
certification policies and I'll fix it so it doesn't or strike it.

Conceptually, you can not remove key selectors.  They are fundamental to
the operation of the protocol.  So far, there have been two suggestions
for replacements that have been perceived as simpler but they've both
been found to be unsuitable.

        New Business:

            Defining new approaches to certification and key management
                beyond those discussed in RFC 1422.

Absolutely.  However, let's do this *after* we publish the two documents
currently on the table.


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